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Growth and Expansion

July 13, 2010

Putting down my roots and expanding my capacity!

So here I am taking on my Goddess essence, being in tune with the spirit and sharing myself totally with the world.  Good God growth is tough.  I am expanding myself quickly and it is exhilarating.  I finally had a breakthrough in accepting assistance, being a demand for satisfaction no matter what, and being myself even if its not a popular point of view.

I was talking with a friend about my personal journey and how a HUGE thing for me has always been feeling “different.”  I remember 3rd grade when I first became aware of racism/discrimination and how it caused the first rift between me and my white friends.  Then as I got older and didn’t  do the typical rebellious adolescent & teen thing, how I began to feel isolated and odd.  I was always a year ahead of myself in school so I think developmentally I was always a little behind even though I was always the tallest person in my class!  In fact remember still playing with Barbie Dolls in middle school when everyone else was chasing boys!

In high school I didn’t have sex, try drugs, drink or do anything “naughty” until college!  Even then the extent of my “bad” behavior was  a little underage drinking (rum & coke homecoming freshman year!).  What’s really funny is how the opportunity to really be “bad “just didn’t seem to present itself.  I see how God protected me from peer pressure and surrounded me with friends who just let me be even though some of them were very naughty girls 😉

I was left to grow and develop at my own pace and although I could see that I was different I wanted nothing more than to be the same.  The thing is no matter how hard I tried it would never work b/c I wasn’t being my “authentic” self.  My gifts of insight and vision have always been here, but until recently (the last few years) I haven’t wanted to enhance and/or use them in the world. I didn’t want to believe I had “powers” or special skills that others didn’t possess, but now I see that I am unique and wonderful and supremely gifted.  The thing is, so is everyone else, just in different ways than me and my job is to assist others  in seeing and embracing their gifts too!

I have a coach and a mentor, two women whom I respect admire and who are doing awesome things in the world of transformation who are grooming me and assisting me in stepping into my greatness.  It’s weird b/c since my mother got sick, there has not been a older woman whom I have confided in or allowed to speak into my life on that level.  I got clear in my Communication’s Course last year that I needed to open up that area, but I was scared to open myself up to new people on that level.  I created this year to build new relationships in ALL areas of my life so I have officially taken this on and so far its great.  I am aware that at some point they will tell me something I don’t want to hear, but for now, I am loving being pushed to do more and move past my limiting beliefs.

In the past two weeks there have been a number of breakdowns in my business and I have had to be in full DIVA mode to get this mess handled and it has taken something.  No matter, I am handling it and make no apologies for it.

I swear today alone I have moved through at least three dimensions of femininity and it looks like I’m about to get in the fourth as I head out to the marina to kick it with some gentlemen this evening!  Life is amazing and I am officially off work for the evening!

Peace and blessings!

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